55+ Exercise Programs


If you are a new participant, you will need to complete and submit the following  materials at least two weeks prior to the start of classes:
- Health Activity Questionnaire
- Medical Release Form
- Consent Form
- Performance Release Form

Each class requires a specific form, select the class you want to enroll in, from the list below, and print the forms that are under that class.


Fit 4 Life:

This class provides participants with a functional fitness assessment to measure their physical status, monitor progress, and individualize the program accordingly.  The class includes a group warm-up, individualized strength, aerobic endurance, and balance programming, and a group cool-down, focusing on flexibility and relaxation. This class is most suitable for older adults who are not using assistive devices for mobility.



This multicomponent exercise class combines circuit-based aerobic endurance and functional strength training with neuromotor fitness activities that focus on balance, agility, coordination, and problem-solving.  This class is most suitable for active adults with previous exercise experience and who are looking for a unique mind-body exercise environment.  



The focus in this class is to use the unique properties of water and the pool’s variable speed current to challenge balance and mobility in a confidence-building environment.  Individualized training will be provided in a small group environment.  This class is most suitable for older adults who lack confidence in their balance and/or have chronic joint pain that limits their participation in land-based classes.


Building Better Balance:

This class incorporates and combines the aspects of balance and fitness. All participants will receive a balance assessment as well as a functional fitness assessment to measure their physical status, monitor progress, and individualize the program accordingly. This is a suitable class for older adults beginning to experience balance problems.